Saturday, April 5, 2008


Cole dosen't usually use words incorectly but yesterday on the way to boyscout camp, I guess because he was so excited he had a couple of lines that I just have to share with you guys. First of all Sunday is his birthday so he has some cash on him that has been sent in the mail. He wanted to take it to camp with him, and I told him that he didn't need it and he said " but Mom they are going to have a confession stand!" I just laughed and said Ok then you can take 5 bucks. However I did ask him what he was going to confess and he got embarassed. Then later in the day he asked me why I wasn't spending the night with him and Dad at camp, and I told him because girls aren't allowed to sleep at boyscout camp. He said..."I'll get you some fake whispers, and you can make a beard." I said " you mean whiskers?" he said " know what I'm talkin bout."

I went and hung out with the guys for a while today. They are all very tired, dirty, hungry and a few of them are sun burned, but they are all having a great time. Our troop placed 4th out of 13 troops so that is pretty good concidering most of our boys are really young. We are pretty proud. Dalton Matthews was our den cheif, that means he is like a big brother that came to visit and help out, because parents and the scout master are not allowed to help during any compitition or event. Many thanks to Dalton! Well I'm tired and I have a birthday to get ready for tomorrow so off to bed I go! Goodnight :)


Junk Diva said...

I love the confession stand. Hope he had a wonderful birthday. He is getting to old to fast.

Inquiries said...

Cole is so funny!

mornin'lady said...

Yes He is, I am missing that little guy!

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

What was that...some kind of Catholic camp?