Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It appears as though the Mr. is really going to go through with this vineyard thing. I keep thinking maybe it's all talk and that it will all blow over, but we have got part of it planted..... so here we go. Bonnie, a good friend of ours, told me that grapes like alot of sun and that they like to struggle. We should have the BEST grapes!!! Our soil is so bad , it is a mixture of grey clay and rock. Winemaker says they will grow , so that is all the encouragement Mr. Brewer needed. We have enough space to do about seven 120 ft. rows. This year I think we will start with 2. We have Cabernet and Chardonnay I'm not sure if we will stick with those two types or if we will do others... perhaps Merlot. I haven't taken pic's yet.... when I do I will post them, as for my senior pic. I haven't seen any of those in forever..... maybe diva has some.


Course of Perfection said...

We learned about grapes growing in poor soil while we were studying Italy for the Geography Fair. Sounds like your grapes should be just fine! Can't wait to see the pics.

Junk Diva said...

And you were the girl who always said " I will keep the house clean if i don't have to go work in the garden" Ha now you have a whole vineyard. You will love it.

I may actually have a senior pic. I will go look, If I do I will post it.

Junk Diva said...

I posted a pic. of you your senior year. It's not what i would have called your sr. Pic. I couldn't find one of those. I think you must have them.

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

I got a whole vineyard of blackberries in the backyard...hmmmm blackberry shiraz? whatdya think?

Inquiries said...

Good luck with the vineyard! If the graped like a struggle they should grow rampant in OK!